High Quality Automatic Aluminum Venetian Blind
Exterior blinds offer a high light control of the interior due to the smooth adjustment
Allowed by the aluminium slats. The exterior aluminium blinds can have a width of
The slat of 80 and 60mm, suiting well to office buildings or in the industrial field but
Nowdays also to private homes. Besides the advantages regarding sun protection
It offers, exterior blinds are perfectly integrated in the buildings architecture offering
A modern and professional look.
They have a great stability both because of the slats stability but also due to the lateral
Guide channels that sustain the blind and protect it against strong wind that may occur,
So that the blind stays in place. The handling can be done both with crank or with motor,
The operation being done by radio remote control. Trident offers you high quality
Exterior blinds at the best price.
Venetian blinds can have different slat widths and different operating modes, those
Blinds are able to satisfy the most diversified tastes.
A practical advantage of venetian blinds compared to other methods of window
Decoration consists in the simplicity of maintenance and cleaning. More than this,
The variety of options, models and colours assure the adapting at the needs and
Architecture of your interior design. A discovery that goes beyond time and
Combines the utility of a classic product with the refined looks. Venetian blinds can be
Made out of aluminium or wood. Those made of aluminium have a slat thickness of
16mm, 25mm or 50mm. They offer multiple posibilities of maneuvering and
The manual operation system consists in the usage of a cranck or a monocomand system
With a single chain. There is the posibility of motorization and automatization by
Using an electrical operation with a command system with switch or remote control.
Little usage space and high flexibility allow a diverse usage of the venetian blinds both
At home or at your working place.